Thursday, August 27, 2009

24-7 Tent

The 24-7 Tent is a symbol representing the gathering of God's people in giving honor to God through worship and prayer. We pray to see communities of 24-7 worship and prayer, where people are filled with humble hearts and want to bring joy to the heart of God.

My role with the "24-7 Tent" is to help facilitate a strategic movement in the faith community across generations, denominations, and race towards 24/7 worship and prayer.

We pray to see worship and prayer going 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until Jesus returns. We want The Tent to be filled with humble hearts who will bring joy to the heart of God . We know that God doesn’t live in buildings anymore, He’s chosen to live in His people (Eph. 2:19-22), and so we are gathering people together who desire to know God’s heart.  Amos 9:11, Acts 15:16

It is time to begin The Tent. It is time to begin 24 hours of worship, 7 days a week to our Lord! The goal is to have every hour of every day filled with prayer to God. This is going to begin in our homes, at work, on lunch break, during kids naps, driving in your car, etc..

The idea came from King David. He brought the Ark back to Jerusalem eventually and he put it in a "Tent".  Biblical scholars believe that the tent was only about ten feet by fifteen feet.  It was not an extravagant building, only a plain tent that housed extravagant worship. 

Earlier, when  Moses put the Ark in the Tabernacle, there was a thick curtain separating the people from God’s presence, but David’s tent had no curtain. The Bible also indicates that there was worship going on in the tent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for over 30 years!! 

The purpose of the “24-7 Tent” is simply to minister to God. We want worship and prayer to the Lord to be the focus. Play an instrument, sing, shout, put on a CD and dance or reflect and listen. The 24-7 Tent is an invitation to be with Jesus - that our constant attention and intimate heartfelt worship would be to Him!

* The Holy Spirit can fill a place  - Acts 2:2
* The sense of God’s presence after many hours of prayer makes prayer much less complicated and much more enjoyable. Many people have reported that in the prayer room one hour feels like 10 minutes, whereas at home 10 minutes of prayer often feels more like an hour!
* Our culture is looking for holy places……
* People sometimes need specific places where they can express their prayers non-verbally in creative ways.
* The room provides accountability ~ a place where people have to turn up – and this ensures a constant flow, as one person finishes his or her shift and hands the baton on to the next.
* A shared location provides a strong sense of being part of a community that carries each others’ burdens, and shares each others’ breakthroughs. You are more than an invisible link…..

“The most important thing that any prayer or prayer room can provide is a place where people can be alone with their eternal Father, a place where you and I can study His features, find comfort in His love, learn to recognize His quiet voice, seek His advice, and pour out our childish hearts to Him. In the prayer room, we pick up God’s mannerisms; we grow in His likeness. We actually become the answer to many of our prayers. And of course that’s the greatest miracle of all.”
(From Red Moon Rising by Pete Greig)

“We can take our place in an army that marches on its knees, fighting for the Prince of Peace.”
(Pete Greig in “Red Moon Rising”)

Please pray about giving to this mission. All donations are tax deductible. (Donate)
You can also contact me about anything else, especially if you would like to receive email updates, prayer requests, or volunteer opportunities.
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Worship and the Word Movement sponsors my mission. This is my ministry team and fiscal sponsor. It is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Find out more about: ( 

::Skate Ministry Video Project::

This is the story of Uriel Luebcke and his Skate Ministry - - Uriel is a professional skate boarder, evangelist, and missionary. He has been reaching out to the skate culture for 12 years. He is currently the pastor of a skate church in Arvada, CO.



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Arvada, CO, United States
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