Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Prayer & Worship Movement

Hello Everyone,
I'm pleased to announce a newly reformed movement called the
24-7 Tent  ( This is a movement to encourage
communities of 24-7 Worship and Prayer (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
We have begun to gather people here in Denver and the Front Range.
In fact for all those in the Denver Metro area, there is a 24 hour gathering
this week! April 23-24, Friday 7pm - Saturday 7pm, at Scum of the Earth
church, 935 W. 11th ave.Denver. Please come join us in a city wide gathering!
The door is open for you to come in and out as you please. Also if you're
receiving this letter from outside the area, consider raising up a 24-7 Tent
in your city! We would love to support you in this!
The Tent started in 2008 as a small network of worshipers who have
been committing to fill one hour slots to pray and worship where ever
they may be in a public commitment to create a canopy of 24 hour prayer
and worship over Denver Metro. The idea came from King David. When
he brought the Ark back to Jerusalem to eventually put it in a tent.  Biblical
scholars believe that the tent was only about ten feet by fifteen feet.  It was
not an extravagant building, only a plain tent that housed extravagant
worship.Earlier, when  Moses put the Ark in the Tabernacle, there was a
thick curtainseparating the people from God’s presence, but David’s tent
had no curtain.The Bible also indicates that there was worship going on in
the tent 24 hoursa day, 7 days a week, for over 30 years! So we are praying
to see worship andprayer going 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until Jesus

We want the Tent to be filled with humble hearts who will bring joy to the
heart of God. We know that God doesn’t live in buildings anymore, He’s
chosen to live in His people (Eph. 2:19-22), and so we are gathering people
together who desire to know God’s heart and rebuild David's fallen tent.
Amos 9:11, Acts 15:16-18
Currently God is speaking to us to host gatherings to encourage
communities in this endeavor. I think we all know as worshipers that
committing to fervently seek God in prayer and worship can release an
upwelling of the Holy Spirit where we can experience and know God's
love for us in depth, be transformed in our hearts for people and God's
Kingdom, and cause a significant impact in the spiritual realm in our world.
Most recently God has been reminding me that praying day and night can
release His purposes for justice! Just as Jesus teaches about the persistent
widow in Luke 18, where she is seeking justice fervently, Jesus makes the
parallel for us to seek Him in prayer day and night. Particularly in this time
where we are finding a movement in works of justice, I sense that God wants
us, the Church, to experience empowered works of justice, where by His Spirit
we are filled and compelled to seek Jesus day and night in conjunction
with our works.

"And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to
him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see
that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes,
will he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:7-8

So please join with us! Pray for a movement of God's Spirit here in
Denver and for the Nations. Is there a 24-7 Movement in your city?
Consider raising the TENT!

24-7 Tent from J Patrick Kennedy on Vimeo.


::Skate Ministry Video Project::

This is the story of Uriel Luebcke and his Skate Ministry - - Uriel is a professional skate boarder, evangelist, and missionary. He has been reaching out to the skate culture for 12 years. He is currently the pastor of a skate church in Arvada, CO.



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Arvada, CO, United States
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