Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Your Support Makes Movements Happen!

24-7 Tent @ Scum :: Posted May 17, 2010

   Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your support and to those who have joined the Support Team! Your support makes movements happen! Though there is still a ways to to go, I'm extremely blessed! It seems to be all about perseverance at this point. I feel like I'm climbing this mountain and the face is over-hanging, so I can't see the top, but holds keep showing themselves and so I grab a hold of it and keep moving up! Anyone ever been climbing before? Anyway, it takes determination, strength, focus and perseverance! I'm at the "Crux" of the problem - this is what climbers refer too as the the part of the climb that is the hardest and takes the most focus, strength, and determination. I sense that this is where I am. Once we top this mountain out, there will be other mountains, but not until we top this one! So lets keep praying! Thank you for all your support! 

In April we launched the newly reformed 24-7 Tent movement. ( ) A movement to encourage communities of 24 hour worship and prayer, 7 days a week. We raised the Tent at Scum of the Earth church for 24 hours of worship and prayer. It was an excellent time. I was there for 20 of the 24 hours! An hour into the gathering the Spirit moved in like the tide at the ocean. It came in gradually and with weight like water. It was a very sweet presence!

Ben Mercer the Missions Pastor at Scum of the Earth church said this afterward:

 " It was an interesting experience for a number of reasons which I won't get into. But one interesting thing was that almost every worship leader, whether it was 1 person or a band, sang this song. It's fairly new & catchy so it's not all that surprising, but it felt like there was more to it than just that, like God was trying to tell us something... 

How He loves us
by John Mark McMillan

He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me..."

Ben also told me afterward that this gathering was very timely for their community. It seems that God is highlighting prayer more in their community. He said - more people than ever before are curious about prayer and want to know more about it. 

Please pray for this community and others that God wants to encourage in 24-7 worship and prayer! God is stirring it up here as we get to be a part of a global movement. While organizing this gathering we began to connect with more hearts around the Denver Metro area for this movement and I believe it will increase. 

At Heaven Fest we will be hosting another 24-7 Tent gathering, July 31st. This will be 40 hours starting the night before and going through the event to the next morning. We are well on the way to over thirty thousand in ticket sales! Please pray for all God wants to accomplish through the 24-7 Tent and Heaven Fest. If you happen to be in town and want to volunteer with the Tent or Heaven Fest let me know!

Also as we get closer to Heaven Fest would you please be purposed to pray more fervently and frequently for me and our staff? This would be a huge blessing as it seems that things get more challenging during this time. Spiritual warfare typically increases, as there is usually attack on finances, communication, relationships, and self-worth. On this front please pray for me as I'm trying to sell my truck. This will help out a lot with some upcoming expenses.

We've started planning for the Cardboard Campout to End Homeless. If you're not familiar with this movement, it is a gathering we've created to raise awareness and money to support the efforts of our city to end homelessness. In the past we've held this event in conjunction with Heaven Fest. This year we are hosting it as a separate event. We've been having discussions with Elitch Gardens/Six Flags, downtown Denver. They are sponsors of Heaven Fest and huge advocates. They are excited about the Cardboard Campout and have opened up their parking lots for us to hold the event September 17 & 18! We have put a site plan together and think that we can host 1,500-2,000 people who would pay $25 a piece and hopefully personally raise more to give towards ending homelessness in Denver. We hope this will be a huge encouragement to our city, those serving the homeless, and those without homes. Money raised will go to the cities collaborative movement to end homelessness, Denver's Road home. ( ) Please pray for what God wants to do with this movement! If all goes well, we think this movement could travel on the road and be a support to other communities who are working to end homelessness!

Please pray these scriptures over me!

Romans 9:12-21 That I would Love like crazy!

John 15: 4-7 That I would be connected to Jesus

Proverbs 11:25 That I would be generous and bless others

Thank You!


::Skate Ministry Video Project::

This is the story of Uriel Luebcke and his Skate Ministry - - Uriel is a professional skate boarder, evangelist, and missionary. He has been reaching out to the skate culture for 12 years. He is currently the pastor of a skate church in Arvada, CO.



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Arvada, CO, United States
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